Configurations in ASP.NET Core

Introduction In .net framework, appsettings and configuration were much easier. There was a global configuration file(web/app.config) and, within it, there was a section named appsettings that could receive flat key-value pairs of string data. It was not perhaps the most optimised way as application has to be restarted even after simple change in the configuration file. …

Continue reading Configurations in ASP.NET Core

Azure Cosmos DB-SQL API Geo Replication using EF Core- Part Three

Recap In the previous articles, we have seen the introduction of Cosmos DB and EF Core with Cosmos DB-SQL API. If you haven’t read my previous articles then I highly encourage you to do so Source Code Azure CLI In the previous article, we saw how to create Cosmos DB. You can refer to …

Continue reading Azure Cosmos DB-SQL API Geo Replication using EF Core- Part Three