Secret manager and Azure Key vault Part 2

Recap In the previous article, we have discussed about Secret manager and how it is useful during development lifecycle. If you haven't read my previous article on Secret Manager then I highly encourage you to go through In case, you are not using Azure, I would recommend you to go for free trail by …

Continue reading Secret manager and Azure Key vault Part 2

Serilog in ASP.NET Core 3.1

Introduction Serilog is a structural logging library for Microsoft .Net and has become preferred logging library for .Net applications. The stack of features in Serilog that make it appealing choice for developing apps : Serilog's vast ecosystem comprising of hundreds of integrations that cover from Console, File, Message Queue, Seq, Elastic Search, Azure Event Hub …

Continue reading Serilog in ASP.NET Core 3.1

Query and Mutation in GraphQL- Part two

Recap In the previous article of the GraphQL series, we discussed the introduction of GraphQL and Pros & Cons of using GraphQL. If you haven’t read my previous articles then I highly encourage you to do so I believe you have prior understanding of EF Core and we'll be concentrating only on GraphQL concepts. …

Continue reading Query and Mutation in GraphQL- Part two